Well, after exactly 21 days, two of the three eggs hatched! It was all very exciting. So now we have an Olive Egger (mixture of a brown egg layer, and green egg layer) and a Cuckoo Maran (which will lay rich chocolate colored eggs). I don't know for sure what sex they are, but I'm guessing the Maran if a pullet, and the Olive Egger is a cockerel. I'm basing this off of the chicks' combs and behavior. The Olive Egger- who we will call Fern or Freddie-has a more pink comb and is much more outgoing and "brave"; which are both indications of a male chick. The Maran-who we will call Olive or Oliver (courtesy of my little sis)-has a more yellow comb and is a little more skittish; which is an indicator Olive/r is a female.
If they are females we will keep one (after 4-5 months, or when the hen is tired of them :) and if they are males we will have to sell both, because we cants have roosters in our neighborhood. So we are really hoping Olive/r the Maran chick is a girl!
Because of all this crazy heavy windy rain, we had to take the hen and chicks in the box and move them into my bathroom shower. I put shavings and food/water in it right next to the box, and emptied the box first and put new shavings in. Cosette and her chicks are much happier to be inside and its nice because its a lot easier to check on them often (and for show'n'tell!)
Once the bad weather is gone, we will put them back in the run, where we built a special little shelter for them to be under to feel protected. And the other hens will have the coop and backyard to play in where they can see the chicks without coming into contact with them. This will help the hens get used to the chicks.
So here are some fun pictures of the fuzz balls in the shower and in their outside home, and there is one where I am hatching the Maran (by slowly and delicately picking the shell and membrane off) because she was taking too long to come out (which should take around half a day to a day). A lot of experienced people will say that is not good to help a chick hatch, so generally dont help unless you're really sure the chick needs help (mine would've probably been okay hatching on its own, but these are very special chicks and each one counts... And I also wanted to take a photo of it to show :) If you want to hatch chicks, and they are at their pipping stage (where they have just chipped off
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