-they will have 3-4 toes, or digits, on each foot. only cocks have a spur, on the back of their foot. hens just have a toe.
-then above their foot, is their shank, which is equivalent to a shin on a human.
-then where their legs bends, is the hock, or ankle, which would be equivalent to and elbow.
-then the rest of the leg, the knee, thigh and hip, is covered by their feathers.
-their crop, is the bulgy part of their chest that stores food, and should be slightly shifted to the right of their chest.
-their shoulder is where their wing attaches to the body
-if you spread out the chicken's wing, the end feathers farthest from the body are the flight feathers, or primary feathers. these are the feathers you would clip if you didn't want your chickens to fly.
-under the chickens head are their wattles which look like bumpy or smooth wrinkled skin. which are usually red, white, or yellow depending on the breed. some chickens don't have any wattles like ameraucanas, which have muffs (fluffy feathers) around the cheeks and chin area instead.
-then on the side of their head, where the ear would be, are their earlobes and ear feathers. the earlobes do not have any feathers on them. and the ear feathers are positioned right above the lobes.
-their lower beak is the bottom side of the whole beak.
-their nostrils are on top of the beak.
-the top of the beak should be longer than the lower beak, by just a bit, just to make it pointy. this is so to help them peck and pick up thins easier.
-then on top of their head is their comb. which is always red and has a more bumpy rough texture than the wattles. their are many different comb shapes including: rose, pea, cushion, buttercup, single, strawberry, and V-shaped.
-males are called roosters, roos, cocks, and if under a year old, cockerels.
-females are called hens, and if under a year pullets
this is a picture of my Ameraucana, belle, who has a pea comb, and muffs instead of wattles.
here is a great website to visit for more info on anatomy: http://library.thinkquest.org/05aug/00044/id16.htm
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